Carmei Zion regularly hosts events of all types geared towards all members of our community. Through our events, we aim to encourage the communal togetherness so inherent in our vision.
Even during the challenging times of the pandemic, we took it upon ourselves to continue providing events within health regulations and on virtual platforms to maintain and strengthen our sense of togetherness and community.
Annual welcome Shabbat (complete with meet-n-greets, kiddush, paired lunches, etc.)
Family hikes
Sexual abuse avoidance and child safety education workshops
Monthly women’s shiurim and social gatherings
Shiurim on hilchot Eretz Yisrael (shmitah, etc.)
Hachnasat sefer torah and hakafot shniyot
Chanukah party
Previous Events
Purim party and “Drive-through” concert
Mishloach Manot and Matanot L’evyonim
Yom Hazikaron and Yom. Haatzmaut ceremonies
Lag Ba’omer bonfire/youth event
Shavuot learning program for men and women
“Corona Kiddush”
Matzah baking
Care packages for soldiers
Bible “museum” throughout the community
Shabbat/Weekly Events:
Tefilat yeladim
Limmud horim v’yeladim
Kiddush Shabbat mevarchim
Women’s Shabbat mevarchim shiur